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Spring 2019 News Update | Woodsetts Quarry Pond

Limited 24 & 48 Hour Carp Fishing Guest Tickets Available Now. Contact Martin Ford on 07769 212762.

Welcome to the latest Woodsetts Quarry Pond update for 2019. The winter has been extremely quiet on the capture front, but these last few days we have started to see a few carp being tripped up as the winter moves into the first rays of spring. Over the winter period of 2018 much work was carried out by the members on their work party days. The lower end of the lake has had a new pathway defined from Spring Tree to Sunny, making getting gear round to these swims a lot easier. Several of the swims around the lake have been completely refurbished and more debris has been removed by the dive team, making for much safer fishing all-round.

Both the main Syndicate and Winter Syndicate were both full for the current 2018/2019 season, so places may be limited come June, when members that have completed work party days will have the option to renew again. If you’re contemplating applying for a Syndicate place at Woodsetts, do it now and get the form on the application page printed off and sent to Martin Ford at the address given on the application page.

For day ticket anglers there’s a massive stock of bream and roach to keep you occupied and both feeder or float fishing work well. For big bags of bream, the feeder is the better method and swims towards the middle of the lake, in deeper water are far more productive. It won’t be too long before the Tench start to wake up and they can be found in most of the swims around the lake. The Pike fishing season has been very quiet this year, but several good fish have been banked. Please remember that Pike fishing comes to an end on the last day of March.

In line with ongoing stocking policies at Woodsetts we introduced 12 large carp in December 2018. These fish went in at weights between 23lb and 28lb, further boosting the 20lb plus stock that already resides here.

For any information regarding Day Ticket or Syndicate fishing, please contact fishery manager Martin Ford on either email: bigblackmirror@aol.com or by ringing the following mobile number 07769 212762.