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Spring Update 2020 | Woodsetts Quarry Pond

Limited 24 & 48 Hour Carp Fishing Guest Tickets Available Now. Contact Martin Ford on 07769 212762.

Welcome to the Spring update for 2020 and it looks like it’s kicked of in style with three twenty pound plus carp being banked in the last week. It’s not been the cold winter we were predicted, but the rain has certainly kept many off the bank in recent weeks. The water level at Woodsetts is sitting at its highest and spring has started to take her grip across the site.

The good stock of carp appear to we waking from their winter break and in recent weeks several good carp have been caught by full and winter syndicate members that have ventured out. It’s also the time of year when the pike anglers have just a few weeks left before the end of the season and Woodsetts has been producing some stunning 20lb plus pike this winter!

As we move into spring now the site as a whole has started to show signs of waking up with flowers budding and growth appearing on the many trees in the woodland that surrounds the lake. I’m sure it won’t be too long before we start seeing bream and tench being caught by the general coarse anglers visiting on day tickets.

This year’s season permits for the main carp syndicate start on June 1st and any anglers interested in joining Wood setts will need to get an application form filled in and contact Martin of the number below. Day tickets are also available for both coarse and carp fishing can be booked the day before you wish to fish and can be obtained by ringing the fishery manager Martin Ford on 07769 212762.