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Spring Update 2022 | Woodsetts Quarry Pond

Limited 24 & 48 Hour Carp Fishing Guest Tickets Available Now. Contact Martin Ford on 07769 212762.

So, spring is finally on the way and the weather has at last started to warm. The lake has fished well through the mild weather and odd carp have put-in-an-appearance. The pike fishing season (which ends on the last day of March), has been exceptional this year, with several 20s being caught… best bait has been Lamprey section fished in the deeper water.

General coarse anglers have had a bonanza on bream and roach and there was one weight of 130lb of bream recorded just after Christmas… yes, Woodsetts isn’t just a carp syndicate and the bream have thrived due to the amount of carp bait that now goes into the lake! If you’re into your feeder fishing then book a day ticket and come and have day at what’s possibly the best natural water bream fishing in Yorkshire! Standard cage feeder tactics with dead red maggots and small red worms on the hook has been the top bait.

Roach fishing in the colder months is also good, with short pole (7-8mtr) and caster hook baits a winning combination. Don’t rule out the slider float in the deeper water, the sport can be frantic.

It won’t be long and one or two tench will be putting in an appearance as the weather starts to warm the water up. Both bays as you enter the site are the places to head for when targeting both tench and rudd as the water is shallower.

All day tickets must be booked in advance of your visit (24hrs) and payment is via a Paypal link. Your ticket will then be sent to your phone for inspection by the bailiff team. Limited 24hr and 48hrs carp guest tickets are also available. Check out the application page if you are interested in getting a year through permit for any of the above species. Carp syndicate places are limited and can be subject to a waiting list. Contact the fishery manager Martin Ford if you have any further questions. Contact Martin Ford 07769 212762